









Unfortunately, a new and very disturbing phobia has taken center stage these days across Canada, which DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC has coined as “unvaxxed-o-phobia.” Virtually identical in its nefarious ways as the other phobias society knows all too well, this new, popular, hateful, and very disturbing phobia enables an irrational fear, disdain, and/or hate of, prejudice, discrimination, and/or hostility towards anyone that is unvaccinated "UNVAXXED" against COVID-19.


This new phobia is also spreading across Canada at an extremely alarming rate with little to no resistance.


Many people ACROSS CANADA are too afraid to speak up in fear of retaliation for daring to even speak.


It has also become very evident and quite concerning to see that society is becoming more and more polarized by the minute due to this new phobia. This very unCanadian way of treating anyone who has NOT received the Covid-19 vaccine should have never happened in the first place. Many people, including ourselves, find it very disturbing to be witnessing all of this division, hate and irrationality brewing across our democratic and inclusive Canada. To add insult to injury, it is being perpetrated in such a public and seemingly accepted way.


Furthermore, and with all due respect, it seems as if certain of our elected officials within all ranks of our government, coupled with countless members of mainstream and social media, are willfully using their powers and massive platforms in very questionable ways. It also seems as if these same individuals and media networks are doing so to produce, manufacture, promote, enable, encourage, and even participate in this new and popular, discriminatory, divisive, hateful and unCanadian way of targeting, shaming, segregating, discounting, degrading, and literally dehumanizing anyone who has not received the Covid-19 vaccine.


Without naming anyone in particular, it is also no secret that during this ongoing pandemic, many people have witnessed certain of our elected officials taking to social media, mainstream media and many other platforms, all while they state and post many questionable comments regarding “the unvaccinated”, also commonly referred to as “the unvaxxed." In our humble opinion, these types of public statements are very concerning, wrong, discriminatory, and extremely unbecoming of any elected official. May we also agree that this type of narrative has no place in our free, fair and tolerant Canada, and will do absolutely nothing to advance our democracy?


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are very proud and humbled to be Canadian. We do NOT support the hate, discrimination, humiliation and literal exclusion of our fellow Canadians, regardless of their confidential Covid vaccination status. We ask why all of this hate is being enabled towards so many Canadians, whom for legitimate reasons, have decided to practice their constitutionally protected right to choose what they want to inject into their bodies? The most concerning of all is how too many great and decent people across Canada are literally being pushed to the curb simply for making a legal choice not to get vaccinated against Covid-19.


We ask where the logic and rationale is in all of this? What comes next if we allow society to be divided as such?


We also wonder when will any of our elected officials truly stand up against all of this madness, step up to the plate, and be strong advocates for the rights and freedoms of all Canadians, including the unvaccinated? This is regardless of whether it is “politically” popular or not to speak against this new phobia. We are all humans that deserve equal protections.


Our elected officials' silence surrounding this new and disturbing phobia is deafening, to say the least.


In light of this very disturbing and unCanadian phobia, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC is very proud to say that we are, and will continue to be, a positive voice in the fight against this injustice. We have also commenced the preliminary stages of our newest public awareness campaign regarding “unvaxxedophobia” by publicly promoting our newest initiative, Rest assured that there is much more still to come.


We are also actively and tirelessly working on making our newest initiative,, the go-to destination for anyone who may feel as if they have been discriminated upon in Canada, and beyond due to being “unvaxxed.” Too many great and decent people are also telling us that they feel as if they are purposely being neglected and pushed to the curb by our elected officials, our government, and even society as a whole. We truly hope that this is not the case and we are working very hard to find the answers and solutions to these legitimate concerns.


We therefore are requesting that all of our elected officials equally do their part to raise awareness,

to IMMEDIATELY cease any questionable behavior surrounding this issue at hand, to quickly tackle this

injustice being forced upon so many great and decent people, and to ultimately set

the shining example for everyone in society to follow.


We also request that OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS IMMEDIATELY INTERVENE in this case in order to STOP this new and disturbing PHOBIA that is now known to some as unnvaxxedophobia. Many great and decent people that we are speaking to, regardless of their vaccination status, recognize this new and disturbing phobia. They are fearful of this new phobia, and are voicing major concerns regarding “unvaxxedophobia.”. They are also asking what is being done by our government to stop all this hate that is brewing towards the unvaccinated.


Consequently, many of these same people also agree that this new and disturbingly popular trend of demonizing and targeting “the unvaxxed” must be stopped in its tracks before it becomes normalized in such a tolerant, fair, and welcoming society that we call Canada. 


We must sincerely ask if ANY of you, our elected officials, actually see the seeds of division that are being sown

  with all of this manufactured fear and hate that is being targeted towards the “unvaxxed” in today's society?







Minister Lametti,


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we firmly believe that “unvaxxedophobia” is valid grounds for the Government of Canada to strongly consider declaring “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” officially a hate crime in Canada. We are extremely concerned as to the legalities with respect to the treatment many are witnessing towards the unvaccinated. We are also extremely concerned for the safety, welfare, and overall well-being of everyone in such hostile, tumultuous and uncertain times. We still wonder why none of our elected officials have seemingly acted, or even spoken up, at the very least, in condemning this new, popular and very disturbing phobia that is severely plaguing our society?


Minister Lametti, we, the citizens of Canada, need you to act by legally identifying and tackling this new and disturbing phobia. We are extremely confident in your legal expertise and abilities as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. Furthermore, we are also extremely confident that you will set the prime example where too many of our elected officials continue to fail.


With all due respect, we must take this opportunity to sincerely ask if you, along with any

of our elected officials, actually see the seeds of division that are being sown with all of this

manufactured fear and hate that is being targeted towards the “unvaxxed” in today's society?


Minister Lametti, we stress our confidence in that your intervention in this case will make an extremely positive impact for all Canadians. We simply request that you intervene in the name of strongly considering to legally recognize “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, also known to some as “unvaxxedophobia”, as an official hate crime in Canada. We equally request that you act in taking all measures to successfully eradicate this very disturbing phobia. This new, popular, discriminatory, hateful and dangerous phobia must be addressed with extreme urgency.


In conclusion, this phobia must be eliminated for the sake of maintaining a safe, prosperous, fair, inclusive and free society for all, and for many generations to follow. PLEASE do everything in your power to stop this phobia.


Minister Lametti, we certainly look forward to your reply and speedy intervention regarding this issue.





Joseph Pugliese, President




      Minister OF JUSTICE and attorney general of Canada.








Without Prejudice






Will the Government of Canada strongly consider declaring and/or recognizing the hateful act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” as an official hate crime in Canada? For instance, does 'wilful promotion of hatred', section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada apply in this case? Are the “unvaccinated” against COVID-19 considered to be an “identifiable group” in Canada?


On October 6, 2021, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC expedited an official and urgent letter to the attention of The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. In this letter, we urged Minister Lametti to immediately intervene in order to strongly consider declaring, “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, also known to some as “unvaxxedophobia” to be an official hate crime in Canada.


We equally requested that the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada take all legal measures to quickly tackle and eradicate “unvaxxedophobia”, all while publicly condemning this new, popular, irrational, unCanadian and very disturbing trend of targeting, shaming, segregating, discounting, degrading, dehumanizing and literally discriminating upon anyone, and everyone who is unvaccinated, “unvaxxed” against COVID-19.


Furthermore, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC also requested a meeting with Minister Lametti as soon as possible and an official response to our letter by no later than Monday, October 18, 2021. Unfortunately, the whole is to no avail as we have yet to meet with Minister Lametti, or receive any official response to our letter and valid concerns. Since October 18, 2021, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC has also contacted the office of Minister Lametti and the Department of Justice Canada on numerous occasions for a follow-up to our letter.


It is still unclear as to what is being done by Minister Lametti and the Department of Justice Canada regarding “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” in Canada, or if anything is being done at all, regarding this new, popular and very hateful trend.


In light of our relentless pursuit of fairness and equality for all Canadians, on November 2, 2021, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC communicated with the office of The Honourable Rob Moore, Shadow Minister for Justice and Attorney General in order to inform the Official Opposition of our latest attempts with the Department of Justice Canada regarding this very serious issue at hand. We are equally hoping that the Official Opposition intervenes in order to tackle, and quickly eradicate this very hateful phobia that continues to plague our beloved Canada, with little to no resistance.


Please refer to the publication below for a great example of how hate propaganda laws work in Canada.    (Library of Parliament)


Hate Speech and Freedom of Expression: Legal Boundaries in Canada

Julian Walker, Legal and Social Affairs Division


3 Criminal Code Provisions Targeting Hate


3.1 Hate Propaganda

“The hate promotion offences and related provisions can be found in sections 318 to 320.1 of the Criminal Code (these provisions are reproduced in the appendix to this paper). Prosecutions of the offences contained in these sections have been few, and there is consequently very little jurisprudence. Nevertheless, the relevant court decisions include some of the key judicial interpretations of section 2(b) of the Charter.

Under section 318(1), everyone who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an offence punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment. The term “genocide” is defined in section318(2) to mean killing members of an identifiable group or deliberately inflicting on an identifiable group conditions of life calculated to bring about the group’s physical destruction. An intent to directly prompt or provoke another person to commit genocide is enough to establish the mensrea, or criminal intent, component of the offence.


Section 318(4) of the Criminal Code defines an “identifiable group” as any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability. No prosecution under section 318 can be undertaken without the consent of the relevant Attorney General (which is intended to, among other things, provide some control of the charges that may proceed in particularly sensitive or controversial areas of criminal law).


Under section 319(1), everyone who, by communicating statements in a public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of an indictable offence punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment, or of a summary conviction offence.


Section319(2) makes it an offence to communicate, except in private conversation, statements that wilfully promote hatred against an “identifiable group” (which has the same meaning as in section318). As with offences under section 318, no prosecution under section 319(2) can be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.


Section 319(7) defines “communicating” to include communicating by telephone, broadcasting or other audible or visible means.“Public place” is defined to include any place to which the public has access by right or by invitation, express or implied. “Statements” include words spoken or written or recorded electronically, electromagnetically or otherwise, and also include gestures, signs or other visible representations.”




You may be asking yourself right now, why are we bringing Section 319(2) into the spotlight? We are not attorneys at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, nor do we claim to be. This article has NOT been drafted by any legal experts. We have simply conducted our own research on the subject of hate crimes and hate speech in Canada, and Section 319(2) is certainly a point of interest for us. The fact that “no prosecution under section 319(2) can be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General”, is a vital part of our investigation into “unvaxxedophobia”, with more to follow in due course.


With respect to our laws in Canada, does the 'wilful promotion of hatred' apply when comparing it to “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, also known to some as “unvaxxed-o-phobia”? Are the unvaccinated considered to be an “identifiable group”?


Perhaps we can refer to this example from August 2021 for some insight on how our Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada granted the Hamilton Police Department with the legal permission needed to charge someone in Hamilton, Ontario with 'wilful promotion of hatred.” This individual allegedly perpetrated hate that was targeted towards the Muslim community.'



To refer to Supreme Court of Canada judgments bearing the search term 'wilful promotion of hatred',




It is no secret that we are all living in very tumultuous and uncertain times. It has also become very evident that we are now witnessing more and more polarization between vaccinated and unvaccinated Canadians, with no end in sight. A recent and detailed poll conducted by Leger for the Association for Canadian Studies, points to this very disturbing trend. To begin, this recent poll tells us that “UNVAXXEDOPHOBIA” IS VERY REAL IN CANADA,  and that more than three out of four respondents think negatively of those whom are “unvaxxed” against Covid 19, among other negative sentiments. See the screenshots below for an example of the results from this poll.












































































This online poll surveyed 1,549 Canadians and was conducted by Leger between September 10 and 12, 2021. To view the full results of this online poll,


Do you have any questions, concerns and/or complaints with respect to what is legally being done, (or not) by our elected officials in Parliament regarding “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” in Canada? Perhaps you have been targeted and would like to share your personal story? If so, we urge you to communicate with The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and The Honourable Rob Moore, Shadow Cabinet Minister for Justice and Attorney General, as follows:



The Honourable David Lametti


Current Member of The House of Commons – LaSalle—Émard—Verdun

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


Ottawa Office


House of Commons

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6   (No postage required!)

Phone: 1 613 943-6636


Constituency Office


Main office - Montréal
6023 Monk Blvd.
Montréal QC H4E 3H5


Phone: 1 514 363-0954










The Honourable Rob Moore


Current Member of The House of Commons - Fundy Royal

Shadow Cabinet Minister for Justice and Attorney General


Ottawa Office


House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6   (No postage required!)

Phone: 1 613 996-2332


Constituency Office


Main office - Hampton
599 Main Street
Suite 104
Hampton NB E5N 6C2


Phone: 1 506 832-4200










Minister Lametti, with all due respect,


Seeing that legally, “no prosecution under section 319(2) can be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General”, we must ask you the following:




Does Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, 'wilful promotion of hatred' apply when compared to the act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”?




Are the unvaccinated against COVID-19 considered to be an “identifiable group” in Canada?  If not, should they be?




Has it now become legal, normalized, and even encouraged to target and punish the “unvaxxed”? Is it the new standard to threaten employment, right down to basic rights and freedoms, and with such blatant impunity, as we are now witnessing happen to the “unvaxxed” across our fair and inclusive Canada?


How about the “constitutionally protected” rights and freedoms of all Canadians? How about the human rights of all Canadians? Are these rights and freedoms now afforded as per an individuals COVID-19 vaccination status in Canada? Do our sacred laws, rights and protections apply for the “unvaxxed”, or are the unvaccinated now considered “unworthy” to be afforded their legally protected rights and freedoms? If this is the case, one can only cringe at the thought of what comes next for all Canadians.


We would like to take this moment to sincerely thank all of you, our readers and followers, including all of you whom have, and continue to reach out to us with your personal stories, concerns, comments, and/or questions regarding “unvaxxedophobia.” Rest assured that we hear you, we understand you, and we care. The right people have been contacted and we are working tirelessly towards a permanent solution. We are pleased to announce that we have officially completed Phase 1. We are now actively and enthusiastically working on Phase 2 of our public awareness campaign regarding “unvaxxedophobia” for your consideration. Keep posted.


We urge everyone, regardless of your COVID-19 vaccination status, to PEACEFULLY, RESPECTFULLY, AND LEGALLY PETITION all of our elected officials and all relevant authorities. DEMAND that they follow their oath as elected officials. DEMAND that they serve and preserve the rights of ALL CANADIANS, regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status. DEMAND that they create and execute a permanent solution to eradicate “unvaxxedophobia”, this irrational and hateful phobia that is severely polarizing Canada at an extremely alarming rate. Foremost, DEMAND that they focus on the issues at hand, and not narratives, what's popular, playing politics, or what gets the most votes.


In conclusion, it is no secret that DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC will continue to persist and endure. We do so without prejudice, with all due respect, and always in the name of a democratic, fair, inclusive and free Canada.


Many great and decent people are telling us that they feel as if they are living through a very sad era for our democracy, especially when witnessing all of this injustice that is willfully being targeted towards the “unvaxxed.” No one can rightfully deny that this is happening across Canada, with little to no resistance.


We certainly agree. WE WILL NOT BE SILENT, and we are determined to do our part to stop all this hate.


Section 319(2), 'wilful promotion of hatred', no prosecution under section 319(2) can be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General. Will the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada use his legal powers to declare, and/or recognize “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” as an official hate crime in Canada?


It is very evident that the unvaccinated are now at THE TOP OF THE LIST as the main target of hatred in Canada.


Will ANY of our elected officials break their deafening silence and do something, or is it all about politics?


To be continued...





Joseph Pugliese, President



gallery/views regarding unvaccinated canadians
gallery/2 views regarding unvaccinated canadians
gallery/3 views regarding unvaccinated canadians

Without Prejudice







Since our last post on November 7, 2021, we have still yet to receive any official reply from:


The Honourable David Lametti

Current Member of The House of Commons – LaSalle—Émard—Verdun

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


The Honourable Rob Moore

Current Member of The House of Commons - Fundy Royal

Shadow Cabinet Minister for Justice and Attorney General


In light of DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC.'s current and ongoing investigation into unvaxxedophobia, we have very valid reasons to believe that our Government of Canada is still sitting on the sidelines, all while literally doing very little to NOTHING to stop all the hate that is being targeted towards the unvaccinated in Canada.


We are also wondering, why is our Government of Canada so visibly absent during these uncertain and tumultuous times when it comes to the equal rights and freedoms of all Canadians, regardless of their vaccination status? Aside from the recently formed Civil Liberties Caucus, where are all of our elected officials who stand up for the rights of ALL Canadians every other day, from visible minorities and beyond? Why are they leaving the “unvaxxed” out in the cold, oh so boldly?


It would certainly be a bright and sunny day for the unvaccinated across Canada if our current research would reveal that our Government of Canada is indeed standing up for the rights and freedoms of ALL CANADIANS, regardless of their Covid-19 vaccination status. Unfortunately, and at the present time, the optics say otherwise. It should be no secret as to where the media gets all of their Covid-19 talking points. So many news makers!


If any of you, our elected officials, and the mainstream media alike are reading this and feel compelled to state otherwise, we cordially invite you to make your case, and we will certainly make ours.


We are extremely confident that the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, coupled with our Government of Canada, have absolute power to stop “unvaxxedophobia” in its tracks TODAY. We firmly believe that they should recognize “the unvaccinated” population within Canada as an “identifiable group” and include such group in the Criminal Code of Canada. We also firmly believe that declaring the hateful act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” should be officially declared as a hate crime in Canada.


Our ongoing research is also revealing a pattern when it comes to the subject of the unvaccinated in Canada, and such pattern boils down to the unvaccinated NOT being considered as an “identifiable group”. This seems to be the case as well in the legal definition of “identifiable group” in the Criminal Code of Canada, and in the eyes of the law. This needs to change, and it needs to change FAST if we expect to make “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” officially a hate crime in Canada.


In our last post, we pointed to a recent poll which revealed that more than 3 out of 4 Canadians surveyed have negative feelings towards the “unvaccinated”. This poll also reveals that the unvaccinated came in at number one for the group most hated in comparison to every other “identifiable group”.


With all of the negative sentiments and hate that is presently being targeted towards the unvaccinated in Canada, we need our Government of Canada to focus on immediate solutions. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are focused, and we firmly believe that the key to tackling “unvaxxedophobia” across Canada is clear:





Our Government of Canada recognizes and includes “the unvaccinated” as an “identifiable group” in the Criminal Code of Canada, and in the eyes of the law.




Our Government of Canada makes regular public announcements to publicly condemn the act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, all while officially declaring this a hate crime in Canada. This would make it possible to immediately allocate much-needed resources in order to effectively combat this hateful act, all while bringing any, and/or all perpetrators to justice.




The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada enacts a “ZERO TOLERANCE” policy by automatically authorizing a criminal charge under section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, in any instance where 'wilful promotion of hatred' is targeted towards the unvaccinated population in Canada as a group, including any individual, and/or everyone that is targeted for being unvaccinated anywhere within the legal jurisdiction of Canada.



Doing so would CLEARLY deter a grand majority of people in Canada from participating in this hateful act. Legal measures as such would also mark the act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” as an official hate crime, equally making anyone who participates in this act, criminally liable in Canada.


We are very confident that such concrete measures will stop all the hate that is being perpetrated against the “unvaxxed” at such extremely alarming rates. Our Government of Canada certainly has the key and absolute power to do this, or to “look into it”, at the very least.


What still remains unclear to us at this point is if any concrete measures are being taken on the part of our Government of Canada? What are they doing to effectively FOCUS on tackling the hateful act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, if anything is being done at all?


As we have stated in our prior posts, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are NOT attorneys, nor do we claim to be. We are simply conducting our own ongoing investigation into the subject of hate towards the unvaccinated in Canada. We have valid questions and legitimate concerns, especially surrounding 'wilful promotion of hatred', section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada.


Unfortunately, regardless of our numerous attempts to get any type of official comment from the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Department of Justice Canada, the Shadow Minister for Justice and Attorney General, and our Government of Canada, they have yet to provide the answers and solutions to our valid questions and legitimate concerns.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, our mission is genuine and sincere. We will relentlessly continue to publicly, peacefully, respectfully, and legally petition our elected officials and our Government of Canada. We will insist that they do everything possible to stop all of the hate that is WILFULLY being enabled and targeted towards the “unvaxxed” in Canada.


We will not be deterred or silenced. Rest assured that at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, there is no one pulling our strings.

The act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” is NOT a conspiracy theory. To deny that this is happening across Canada with little to no resistance, IS.


To ignore this very serious issue with all hopes that it goes away is equally irresponsible and absurd.


The time to play politics has long passed, the time to act is NOW!


We can now state with certainty that the right people have been REPEATEDLY contacted regarding the legalities surrounding “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”. It is now up to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Department of Justice Canada, and our Government of Canada, to either step up to the plate and stand up for ALL Canadians, regardless of their vaccination status, or to retreat back to the comfort of their "taxpayer funded" offices and jobs on Parliament Hill, all while leaving millions of unvaccinated Canadians out in the cold, and without any representation. History will tell this story, no matter how many people may try to censor it, GUARANTEED!


In PHASE 2 of our public awareness campaign, we are now shifting gears from the legal issues surrounding unvaxxedophobia, towards a better understanding of what exactly drives this hateful act of “any, and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”. Why are so many people doing this across Canada, why is this exploding with popularity, and what is the science behind all of this?


How about all of these vaccine passports and other draconian restrictions being imposed on Canadians? Many people keep saying, “trust the science”. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we certainly trust in facts, and the science behind them.


With this said, one must truly ask:


Does the science in Canada conclusively prove, without any debate, that vaccine passports are a PROVEN method to stop the spread of Covid-19? Does the current state of affairs across Canada regarding the Covid-19 infection rate truly justify the use of vaccine passports, or is there more to this?


Does the science in Canada conclusively prove, without any debate, that the “unvaccinated' carry more risk of contaminating others with Covid-19 than the “vaccinated” do? Does the science conclusively PROVE this claim, and without any debate? If this is the case, has the Chief Science Advisor of Canada put this in writing anywhere?


Have the unvaccinated people in Canada now mutated from human beings into the Covid-19 virus itself, to be feared, hated, shunned, and treated like a “virus”?


“Trust the science”, is the catch phrase of 2021, and a phrase that so many people supposedly live by.




May we PLEASE see the science that is justifying all of the fear and hate towards the unvaccinated, or is all of this being manufactured and enabled through narratives, politics, and “inconclusive science” being manipulated into facts?


Keep posted for our next update. You do not want to miss it.






Joseph Pugliese, President





The Honourable David Lametti, P.C. Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada   (June 23, 2021, The Department of Justice Canada).




Without Prejudice


With respect to Unvaxxedophobia, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. received an official written response

from the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.


Is our Government of Canada willfully playing politics
with the lives of millions of unvaxxed Canadians in these pandemic times?



gallery/minister lametti letter december 20, 2021 full letter

Without Prejudice




OPEN LETTER OF REPLY TO the Honourable David Lametti, 
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada



Minister Lametti,


We would like to take this moment to sincerely thank you for your response to our initial letter dated October 6, 2021. In this letter, we requested that you strongly consider declaring “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, an official hate crime in Canada. We equally requested your intervention in this matter.


With all of the negative sentiments and hate presently being targeted towards the unvaccinated population in Canada, we need our Government of Canada to focus on immediate solutions. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are focused, and firmly believe, that the key to tackling “unvaxxedophobia” across Canada is clear:



  • Our Government of Canada should recognize and include the “unvaccinated” as an “identifiable group” in the Criminal Code of Canada, and in the eyes of the law.



  • Our Government of Canada should make regular public announcements to publicly condemn the act of “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”, and officially declare this act as a hate crime in Canada. This would make it possible to immediately allocate much-needed resources in order to effectively combat this hateful act, bringing any and/or all perpetrators to justice.


  • The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada should enact a “ZERO TOLERANCE” policy by automatically authorizing a criminal charge under section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, in any instance where 'wilful promotion of hatred' is targeted towards the unvaccinated population in Canada as a group, including any individual, and/or everyone that is targeted for being unvaccinated anywhere within the legal jurisdiction of Canada.



Minister Lametti, with all due respect, we must ask: Does your reply confirm that all matters related to the legalities surrounding “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” should now be addressed to the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health?  Our concerns are of a legal nature.


Has our Minister of Health now taken over a role which should be our Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada's duty to protect the rights and freedoms of ALL Canadians, regardless of their Covid-19 vaccination status?

Do our rights and freedoms now come with the condition that one must be vaccinated against Covid-19 in Canada?


Minister Lametti, your written reply states: "I cannot investigate, intervene in, or otherwise become involved in the matter you describe".  Does this mean that you cannot stand up to protect the rights and freedoms of unvaccinated Canadians in these hostile times?  Furthermore, your reply also states: "It is important to note that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows governments to balance the rights of individuals with the interests of society by permitting justifiable limits on guaranteed rights and freedoms. This means that when a government limits individual rights during a pandemic, it must only take actions that are a reasonable and proportionate response to the risks to the health and safety of Canadians".   If so, is it reasonable, proportionate, and in society's best interests to limit the guaranteed rights and freedoms of millions of unvaccinated Canadians?  Why have the unvaccinated now become such a normalized target of relentless public hatred?  Does this benefit the health and safety of Canadians?


We must ask if all of this hatred we are witnessing towards the unvaccinated population of Canada has become so normalized that even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, entitles himself to go on live TV networks and media and refer to unvaccinated Canadians as “racist and misogynistsic extremists”, and so much more?  Will there be any legal consequences whatsoever for our Prime Minister willfully creating division within our inclusive society, or for going on the public record and spewing hatred towards a population now known across Canada as “the unvaxxed”?


Minister Lametti, does Section 319 (2) apply in this scenario?   Please advise.


Would Prime Minister Justin Trudeau publicly target any "identifiable group" or visible minority group in Canada?  We sincerely hope not.  Why he is targeting and treating the unvaccinated population of Canada with such hate and resent will be up to him to explain to Canadians and the rest of the world who is following this disaster unfold. 


Has our Prime Minister forgotten about his past scandals whereby he had to publicly apologize, and on multiple occasions, for having behaved in a racist fashion?  The optics are certainly not in our Prime Minister's favor. 


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with all due respect, would you like to explain to the public why you have resorted to hateful behavior towards unvaccinated Canadians?  We cordially and respectfully invite you to do so right here on this platform.


What about Quebec Premier François Legault?  Is he equally drumming up support in this public campaign against the unvaccinated?  The whole world is certainly witnessing the total segregation from society of the unvaccinated across Quebec, going as far as proposing a SIGNIFICANT “health contribution”, also being referred to as "unvaxxed tax". It seems as if this proposed "unvaxxed tax" would apply to anyone in Quebec who is eligible, but has yet to receive a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, excluding the medically exempt. This controversial proposal could also give Revenu Québec the green light to impose a "significiant" tax on anyone in Quebec who is unvaccinated.  What comes next?  To add insult to injury, all of this is making headlines across Canada and around the globe, at the same time as our Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, floats the idea of mandatory vaccination for all Canadians.


"Trust the science", say the gatekeepers.  We say, trust that the time for public apologies will come. It always does.


One might ask, is there any scientific evidence that justifies all of this madness, at the very least?   Keep on reading.  We will be getting to "the science" very shortly.  Putting all of the politics aside, as Canadians, we must sincerely ask ourselves what comes next if our Prime Minister, the Premier of Quebec, and many other elected officials across Canada, are permitted to behave and lead our beloved Nation in such a way, going to the extreme of publicly targeting millions of unvaccinated Canadians.  Meanwhile, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, along with countless other elected officials are either absent, silent, or failing to intervene?


What is happening to Canada?  Is this what we want our fair and inclusive Canada to look like in the year 2022 and beyond?


Minister Lametti, why, in such hostile times, are you seemingly not considering “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” to be declared as an official hate crime in Canada under Section 319(2) Criminal Code of Canada “wilful promotion of hatred'?  Is there any other law that may apply?  We are also asking why you, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, have seemingly not enacted any legal measures to recognize the millions of “unvaccinated” Canadians to be an identifiable group in the Criminal Code of Canada, and in the eyes of the law?


Have you ever publicly condemned this type of behavior towards the unvaccinated?  It is impossible not to see that we are now living in very disturbing times where our elected leaders and governments as whole, are setting a very bad example when it comes to the unvaccinated population of Canada, and in every way imaginable. 


This madness is also being witnessed across the mainstream media airwaves and networks. It is obviously haunting the lives of millions of Canadians, their jobs, families, and so much more. This is all happening under your watch as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, who is tasked by we, the citizens, to protect our equal rights and freedoms as Canadians.  Since when does vaccination status play a role in our rights and freedoms in Canada?  Does the science justify all these limits being imposed on individual guaranteed rights and freedoms?  Since when does a government embark on a massive public campaign (funded with taxpayer dollars) only to  segregate a portion of its society?  Is this "the will of the people"?


Do you know what is one of the most disturbing facts surrounding this public campaign of RELENTLESSLY targeting the unvaccinated population across Canada?  Many great and decent Canadians are now saying that they fear our governments' heavy-handed tactics more than the Covid-19 virus itself. This must change if we expect to keep whatever reputation we still have left as being a fair and inclusive Canada.  


Minister Lametti, please consider the millions of unvaccinated Canadians that are literally out in the cold right now.  You are the prime example of what Canada is supposed to represent on the legal stage. The world is watching Canada right now and many people are asking why you are not stepping up to the plate to put an end to all of this.  Canadians need you to take charge and to restore law and order amidst all of this ongoing chaos.


Will you PLEASE act, even if it means making a public announcement to condemn the act of “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status”.  Perhaps you may politely request, on behalf of all Canadians, that our Prime Minister, and other elected officials publicly apologize for their actions and immediately cease treating unvaccinated Canadians like the Covid-19 virus itself?  If the whole is to no avail, perhaps you may simply ask the public to practice a more peaceful and tolerant approach towards the unvaccinated population of Canada? Anything would help at this point.  There are millions of Canadians suffering in silence and they need you.


As Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, only you have the ultimate power to enact solid legal measures (such as Section 319(2)) that will immediately tackle unvaxxedophobia.  In our humble opinion, we firmly believe that the Department of Justice Canada, coupled with you, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, should be doing everything possible to ensure that unvaxxedophobia is cleansed from all levels of our governments and society.  Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case, for now.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are now made to understand, following your written reply, that you, the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, cannot intervene in the name of protecting the rights and freedoms of the millions of unvaccinated Canadians during these very sad times. We are also made to understand that you may not be making any public announcements to denounce the hateful actions of our Prime Minister, governments, and other elected officials, who have all entitled themselves to take to the airwaves like drunken sailors and target the unvaccinated population of Canada.  These actions will only serve to lead Canadians into a more divisive and two-tiered society.  Is this what Canadians want from our elected leaders?


When it comes to the relentless targeting, segregation and hate of the unvaccinated, even at top levels of our government, and ever so publicly for the world to see, one can only assume what the rest of the world is saying about our fair and inclusive Canada in these very sad times. Alternatively, you can simply do your own research and see what our leaders are doing to the reputation of Canada for the whole world to see.


Minister Lametti, it is no secret that DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. is based in your constituency riding, and that we reached out to you to offer our congratulations for your recent re-election as our member of Parliament. It is also a fact that we sincerely hoped that you would meet with us in order to discuss what measures you may be taking to stand up for the unvaccinated, where all of our other elected officials still continue to fail. These are certainly very disappointing and sad times for our democracy, but we respectfully thank you for taking the time to reply to our legitimate concerns, especially having done so during the most festive days of this past holiday season.


Your reply to our legitimate concerns is equally a great example for Canadians and the rest of the world to see just how real "unvaxxedophobia" is across Canada, and just how little our government is doing about it. Will this change in the near future?  While some may only hope and pray, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we remain optimistic.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. we will continue to work tirelessly towards a permanent solution. The equal rights and freedoms of unvaccinated Canadians count, even if we have to go as far as calling upon the Supreme Court of Canada, or calling upon António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General to protect them.  We will speak to the world and we will do whatever we legally can to help tackle unvaxxedophobia.


We will not rest until the world knows what unvaccinated Canadians are relentlessly being subjected to under the direction of our current government, or until someone at the top levels of our government, including the United Nations, if necessary, takes concrete actions to stop unvaxxedophobia in Canada. Many nations look up to Canada as a shining beacon of freedom, inclusiveness, hope and peace. What is happening to our beloved Canada is very embarrassing, hateful, disturbing, and extremely unbecoming of Canada.  We are a G7 nation, let's be the example.


Rest assured that at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we truly care about all of our fellow Canadians, regardless of their Covid-19 vaccination status. We are seeking a united Canada through peace, understanding, common respect, and so much more.


We ask you, the citizens, our readers, the public at large, unvaccinated or vaccinated people alike, PLEASE do not play into this political narrative that many elected officials and governments are forcing upon society. Keep your overall physical and mental health in tact. PLEASE unite and care for one another. Do not lose hope and keep on shining. Your spirit has brought you this far. Never underestimate your powers. You are not alone. If you ever feel like sharing your story about what you are facing through all of this, you may contact us by clicking here. We are always happy to hear from you and we will never judge you, regardless of your Covid-19 vaccination status.


Always remember that the reason society is in this “unvaxxedophobia” mess today has nothing to do with your exercising your constitutionally protected right NOT to get vaccinated against Covid 19, and everything to do with our elected officials' and our governments' refusal to be held accountable for their failures. It is always easier for politicians to point fingers at a small group and say “its all their fault”, all while fanning the flames with the gasoline of hate and the winds of division.


If the unvaccinated were to be considered as an identifiable group in the Criminal Code of Canada and in the eyes of the law, we would most likely not be having this discussion in such modern and inclusive times.


What started as “the pandemic of the unvaccinated” not too long ago, has now transformed into a new narrative, “the war against the unvaccinated”, courtesy of our governments' repeated failures, political narratives, media hype, and a complete disconnect from reality on the part of our elected officials.


Now we know that our Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada has invoked "science” into the conversation of the rights and freedoms of all Canadians in these pandemic times. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we always hear “trust the science”, or “the health officials know best”. We must truly ask what science justifies the guaranteed rights and freedoms of unvaccinated Canadians being totally ignored, trampled on, and even taken away by our governments.  Is all of this truly being imposed on the unvaccinated in the name of public safety?


Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, with all due respect, if you have anything to add to our ongoing investigation regarding “the science” behind protecting the rights and freedoms of unvaccinated Canadians, we cordially invite you to do so, as suggested  by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada in his reply to our legitimate concerns.


How about all of these vaccine passports and other draconian restrictions being imposed upon Canadians? Once again, everyone is told to “trust the science”. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we certainly trust in facts, and the actual science behind them.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we want to take this moment to call in “the science”. We cordially invite Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, to please step up to the plate and clear the air of all this political confusion for the whole world to see.


Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, with all due respect, will you accept our public invitation to speak on record with DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, and to properly explain this science which our elected officials repeatedly refer to?


Dr. Nemer, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we sincerely want to know what you have to say regarding the science behind Covid-19. You are the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, but it strikes us as being very odd that Canadians never hear any of your opinions or recommendations, while our elected officials and public health authorities always invoke science in their decision making.


We believe that Canadians have the absolute right to know if 'the science” to which our elected officials and public health authorities constantly refer to, truly matches the Chief Science Advisor of Canada's recommendations. Dr. Nemer, you certainly represent science for all Canadians, and we hold your scientific capabilities to the highest esteem as the most qualified official in our Government of Canada to properly address any scientific concerns.


We would like to begin with the March 31, 2021 report titled, “Scientific Considerations For Using Covid-19 Vaccine Certificates” which may be found by clicking here.


  • May you please provide us with a written follow-up to this report?  Is the data contained within this report conclusive?  Do the scientific considerations contained within this report still apply in 2022?


  • Does the science in Canada conclusively prove, without any debate, that vaccine certificates or passports are a PROVEN method to stop the spread of Covid-19?  Does the current state of affairs across Canada regarding the Covid-19 infection rate conclusively prove that vaccine certificates or passports do not work?  


  • Does the science in Canada conclusively prove, without any debate, that the unvaccinated carry more risk of contaminating others with Covid-19 than the vaccinated do?  If YES, have you put this in writing anywhere? 
  • If not, may you please provide us with the conclusive evidence (in writing) that proves this claim.


  • Does the science in Canada conclusively justify how elected officials and governments have seemingly turned unvaccinated human beings across Canada into the Covid-19 virus itself, to be feared, hated, shunned, and treated like a virus?  Does the science conclusively class the unvaccinated as Canada's new variant of concern?


Trust the science” is the catch phrase of our times, and a phrase that so many people supposedly live by.




May we PLEASE see the science that is justifying all of this fear and hate being willfully targeted towards millions of unvaccinated Canadians, or is all of this fear and hate being justified, manufactured, promoted and enabled through narratives, politics, and “inconclusive science” that could be manipulated into facts by our elected officials, health officials, and our governments, if needed?


Dr Nemer, we certainly look forward to your reply. Please note that this series of questions is non-exhaustive and only represents a fraction of the many questions that we, along with countless other Canadians, have for you.


To all Canadians and the entire world, we say, UNVAXXEDOPHOBIA, “Trust The Science”.


Phase 2 of our ongoing investigation into unvaxxedophobia is where science, politics, law, and reality collide. Keep posted for some very exclusive and revealing information that is still to follow. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are NOT politicians nor mainstream media. The only thing that is pulling our strings is our relentless, unstoppable and indestructible desire to uncover the truth, no matter how long it takes. Only the truth will set everyone free.





Joseph Pugliese, President





Without Prejudice








"Trust the Science” and “Follow the Science” (?)




Since our last update on January 17, 2022, the past few weeks have certainly

been very unprecedented and moving for the rights and freedoms of all Canadians.



What started with trucker convoys protesting vaccine mandates, passports, and restrictions in Canada, quickly transformed into countless Canadians standing up for equal rights and freedoms. From truck stops to freeway overpasses across our nation, the displays of countless Canadians waving Canadian flags and uniting for freedom has prompted many positive reactions from across the globe. On.January 28, 2022, the first wave of the trucker convoys arrived in downtown Ottawa demanding that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau end all vaccine mandates, passports, and restrictions in Canada.  Prime Minister Trudeau refused to meet or even speak with them, going as far as resorting to name-calling. This sparked a three-weeks-long demonstration in downtown Ottawa. As of February 21, 2022, police have cleared this demonstration and towed all vehicles blocking the streets


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we support all freedom-loving Canadians that are demonstrating peacefully, respectfully and lawfully across our beautiful nation. Canadians are uniting like never before and it is certainly a pivotal moment in the history of our beloved Canada.  Let us all unite with peace, love, respect, and positivity.


With this sudden change in the narrative we are now witnessing in Canada, one must wonder if the hateful, divisive and disrespectful comments will finally cease?  We are referring to the comments and actions coming from mainstream media, coupled with many of our elected officials and governments, who have been publicly targeting the unvaccinated population of Canada for way too long.  This should have never happened in the first place.  Will mainstream media, our elected officials and our governments across Canada, ever be held fully accountable to Canadians for creating all of this division between vaccinated and unvaccinated Canadians within our society?


Are Canadians truly witnessing change, or is this all a grand illusion under the guise of what has now been declared a state of emergency in Canada?  February 14, 2022, Canada went from weeks of freedom loving Canadians sharing hugs, waving Canadian flags and singing O'Canada, back to uncertainty and dark days ahead. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the unprecedented move of invoking the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history. Is there a threat to national security?  The Emergencies Act replaced the War Measures Act in 1988.  With this extreme measure having been invoked in Canada, this gives our Government of Canada very broad powers, from freezing bank accounts and assets, to crypto currency wallets, and so much more.  What comes next is anyone's guess?  With the Emergencies Act now invoked, our Government of Canada has promised that they will NOT suspend fundemental rights, override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, limit freedom of speech, the right to peaceful assembly, or the right to protest legally.  We will be monitoring these promises very closely.


Many Canadians are expressing their dissatisfaction, going as far as saying they feel like Canada is now morphing from a democracy to a police state. Perhaps this extreme move is a calculated diversion to keep everyone's attention elsewhere?  Many Canadians are very concerned, and with good reason.  Very shortly, we will discuss the Emergencies Act, and the broad powers that our Government of Canada has granted themselves.


We had stated in our January 17, 2022 update that “the world is watching Canada”.  The world is certainly watching us now. What started as inspiration and hope across Canada just a few weeks ago, has now turned into disbelief. Many people across the world are indeed witnessing, with utter disbelief and concern, what Canadians are enduring through our governments heavy-handed politics. Don't take our word for it, do your own research. The time has come for our elected officials and governments across Canada to permanently cease this hateful and divisive narrative towards unvaccinated Canadians, and without any further delay. 


In the last few weeks, Canadians have also witnessed many changes taking place on Parliament Hill, from the Honourable Erin O'Toole having been voted out by his own party as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, to Conservative MPs and Liberal MPs speaking out against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's divisive and hateful actions towards unvaccinated Canadians. Are Canadians finally witnessing a major shift in the narrative taking place on Parliament Hill?  The Honourable Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) has since taken over as Interim Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Interim Leader of the Opposition.  Will the opposition parties stand up?


Talk is cheap and so are political promises. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we certainly recognize the actions of a now growing number of elected officials breaking their silence and finally coming around in the name of the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. Regardless of all these political speeches, promises and narratives, more still needs to be done. We are also extremely weary of any “take the bait” scenario that may be transpiring. 


For this reason, we will continue to remain persistent, focused, vigilant and on-target, until we see the conclusive, scientific evidence, and the complete end to all of this madness which all Canadians have been witnessing and enduring for two years too long. The time has come for Canadians to trust and follow the science, along with the evidence that gets us all back to living a normal life once again.


As many of you already know, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we have been tirelessly working towards a permanent solution to ending these divisive Covid-19 restrictions and mandates that have been imposed on Canadians. In phase 1 of our ongoing investigation into “Unvaxxedophobia”, we requested that the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, strongly consider declaring what we have coined as the act of “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” to be an official hate crime in Canada, among other points to consider.


Unfortunately, the whole was seemingly to no avail. Will this change in the foreseeable future?  Time will tell.  We still remain optimistic that the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada will make it happen for the equal rights and freedoms of all Canadians, but our work does not stop there.


We will continue with our ongoing investigation into the legal protections of the rights and freedoms of Canadians, all while asking our elected officials and governments the tough questions regarding the science and evidence that they constantly refer to, but always remains unclear.  We will also continue to consistently demand that our elected officials and governments take concrete and immediate action to implement permanent legal measures to protect the equal rights and freedoms of all Canadians, regardless of their Covid-19 vaccination status. We demand that our governments and elected officials STOP playing divisive politics with the lives of millions of Canadians.


In phase 2 of our ongoing investigation, we will remain
focused on “trusting the science” and “following the science”.

What is this science that many of our elected officials and governments are asking all Canadians to follow?  Indeed, it is no secret that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as many other elected officials and governments, have constantly referred to science in their decision making, even up to this day. From Covid-19 vaccines to vaccine passports, masks, mandates, lock downs, curfews, travel bans, and many other restrictions, 'follow the science” always seems to be the narrative to justify it.  Where is the conclusive, scientific evidence that justifies all of this?


What was once widely known as “trust the science” is now transforming into “follow the science” across Canada.


It is always interesting to see how semantics play out.

Consequently, and since late 2021, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. has made numerous attempts to “follow the science” by contacting the office of Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada. We have done so in order to request that Dr. Nemer, the most qualified scientific advisor in our Government of Canada, step up to the plate and clear the air on all this confusion with respect to the politics versus the science of this Covid-19 pandemic.


On January 17, 2022, we publicly invited Dr. Mona Nemer to our platform in order

to address our legitimate questions and concerns regarding the science, namely the following:

"We would like to begin with the March 31, 2021 report titled, “Scientific Considerations For Using Covid-19 Vaccine Certificates” which may be found by clicking here.



  • May you please provide us with a written follow-up to this report? Is the data contained within this report conclusive?  Do the scientific considerations contained within this report still apply in 2022?


  • Does the science in Canada conclusively prove, without any debate, that vaccine certificates or passports are a PROVEN method to stop the spread of Covid-19?  Does the current state of affairs across Canada regarding the Covid-19 infection rate conclusively prove that vaccine certificates or passports do not work?


  • Does the science in Canada conclusively prove, without any debate, that the unvaccinated carry more risk of contaminating others with Covid-19 than the vaccinated do?  If YES, have you put this in writing anywhere?  If not, may you please provide us with the conclusive evidence (in writing) that proves this claim?


  • Does the science in Canada conclusively justify how elected officials and governments have seemingly turned unvaccinated human beings across Canada into the Covid-19 virus itself, to be feared, hated, shunned, and treated like a virus?  Does the science conclusively class the unvaccinated as Canada's new variant of concern?"



In light of our repeated attempts to contact Dr. Nemer regarding our legitimate questions and concerns, on February 3, 2022, we received a call back and a verbal response via telephone conversation with an employee at Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada. We were informed that this verbal response was on behalf of the Chief of Staff at the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, stating:


“The Chief Science Advisor of Canada provides advice to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers. The Chief Science Advisor of Canada does not take calls from the general public nor answer individual questions about Covid-19.”


When asked if this response means that the Chief Science Advisor does not speak to the public:


"They do not have the capacity to offer that form of services and it is not part of the mandate with that office”


Did we receive a written response that confirms what was said in this verbal statement?


On February 3, 2022, during that telephone conversation with this same employee from Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. requested a written confirmation of this verbal response from Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada.


On February 8, 2022, we spoke with another employee at Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada regarding the written response we requested. Following this conversation, we received an email confirming that our our request had been forwarded to the Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) Media Relations team, and that they will be contacting us shortly.


Fast forward to February 11, 2022, we initiate yet another follow-up call to ask once again when we will be receiving the written response we have repeatedly requested. During this call, we get disconnected and we have never received a call back or a written reply since.


Will the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada put their February 3, 2022 verbal response in writing?

We will publish this written response if, and when we receive it.



What is the Chief Science Advisor of Canada's mandate?


The Chief Science Advisor's key functions are as follows:



  • "Provide advice on the development and implementation of guidelines to ensure that government science is fully available to the public and that federal scientists are able to speak freely about their work


  • Provide advice on creating and implementing processes to ensure that scientific analyses are considered when the Government makes decisions


  • Assess and recommend ways to improve the existing science advisory function within the federal government


  • Assess and recommend ways for the Government to better support quality scientific research within the federal system

Furthermore, the Chief Science Advisor will:


  • Deliver an annual report to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Science on the activities of the Office of the Chief Science Advisor and the state of federal government science, including the federal science workforce and federal scientific infrastructure


  • Provide and coordinate expert advice to the Minister of Science and members of Cabinet, as appropriate and requested, on key scientific issues, including the preparation of research and foresight papers for public dissemination


  • Promote a positive and productive dialogue between federal scientists and academia, both in Canada and abroad, and raise awareness of scientific issues relevant to the Canadian public


Date modified: 2018-08-27"


Source: Office of the Chief Science Advisor



Will Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, render her office accessible to answer questions directly from the Canadian public and the taxpayers, especially in such confusing times whereas our elected officials constantly tell Canadians to “follow the science”, without ever showing us any science or conslusive evidence?


We sincerely hope that this will change, and that Canadians will be able to contact the Chief Science Advisor of Canada directly with questions regarding the science and evidence constantly referred to by our elected officials, but which still remains unclear.  According to the verbal response we have received, it seems very clear that presently, the Chief Science Advisor of Canada is solely accountable to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers.


According to this statement from the Chief Science Advisor of Canada's mandate:


“The Office of the Chief Science Advisor provides advice on issues related to science and government policies

that support it. This includes advising on ways to ensure that scientific knowledge is considered

in public policy decisions and that government science is fully available to the public.”


Is the government science which our elected officials repeatedly tell us to follow, fully available to the public,

as promised in this statement?  Is this government science accurate, factual, and based on conclusive evidence?


Do you, our readers, the citizens, taxpayers, Canadians, etc, have any questions or concerns regarding the science behind Covid-19? Perhaps it is regarding vaccine certificates/passports, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, the Omicron variant, restrictions, mandates, and “following the science” which our elected officials and government repeatedly tell the public to trust, but never show us in Canada?


Would you like to voice your opinions, questions and concerns regarding science?  If so, we encourage you to politely, peacefully, respectfully, and lawfully do so by contacting the Office of the Chief Science Advisor as follows:




Office of the Chief Science Advisor


160 Elgin Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9


Telephone: 613-943-0689





Since February 8, 2022, Canadians have witnessed provinces such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Manitoba begin to drastically reduce restrictions, even going as far as completely eliminating provincial Covid-19 restrictions.  Are these provinces following the same science as our Government of Canada is at the federal level?


While our Government of Canada calls on all Canadians to “follow the science” in justifying more Covid-19 vaccines and restrictions, many countries worldwide are now declaring the Covid-19 pandemic to be “endemic”, and are now moving towards “living with the virus” while protecting the vulnerable in society.  Is the science and evidence in these foreign nations any different from the science and evidence which our Government of Canada refers to?


Where is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and our Cabinet Ministers getting their scientific facts and evidence from? 


February 9, 2022: Opposition Leader Candice Bergen and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau exchanged words in the House of Commons with respect to our Government of Canada's pandemic response.


Here is a brief example of what was said:



Opposition Leader Candice Bergen:


“Mr. Speaker, countries around the world are opening up, even countries with lower vaccination rates than Canada, and provinces are beginning to lift restrictions and getting life back to normal. Why? It is because they are following the science. Canadians are ready to get their lives back, but it seems like the Prime Minister wants to live in a permanent pandemic. Dr. Tam, Dr. Henry, Dr. Moore, Dr. Hinshaw and Dr. Shahab all agree that it is time to shift out of the restrictions and back to normal life. Why is the Prime Minister so offside, not only with the science but, it would seem, with a growing number of his own MPs?”


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:


“Mr. Speaker, on the contrary, we intend to follow the science and are working closely with Dr. Tam and other public health officials to ensure that we get through this pandemic as best we possibly can, and that has been through vaccinations. The fact that nine out of 10 Canadians have gotten vaccinated is one of the reasons why we are able to get through this. It is why we have been able to prevent our health systems from being completely overrun. Vaccinations are the one thing through this, and that is why we are continuing to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated. Why, unfortunately, the Conservatives are against vaccination is, quite frankly, beyond me.


Opposition Leader Candice Bergen:


“Mr. Speaker, the science and the evidence are simply not on the Prime Minister's side. Many of the reasons previously used to keep Canadians under restrictions are vanishing before our eyes. Other countries are opening up. Provinces are opening up. As he just said, 90% of Canadians have the vaccine. The Prime Minister needs to put his ego aside. He needs to do what is right for the country. He needs to end the mandates. He needs to end the restrictions. He needs to listen to his own caucus. Will he do that?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:


“Mr. Speaker, Canada and Canadians have made it through this pandemic better than many other places because Canadians stepped up. They were there for each other, and their government had their backs. We worked closely with provincial and territorial leaders. Every step of the way, we kept focusing on vaccinations, on public health supports and on business supports, which has allowed us through. Canadians are continuing to get vaccinated. Sixty thousand Canadians got vaccinated with their first dose just last week. We are continuing to make sure Canadians get vaccinated, because this is how we get through this pandemic.


Opposition Leader Candice Bergen:


“Mr. Speaker, we know this Prime Minister has politicized the pandemic. Last summer, as B.C. was burning, Afghanistan was falling and we were in the fourth wave of a pandemic, the Prime Minister called an unnecessary $600-million election to capitalize on this crisis. According to a senior Liberal MP, a decision was made “to wedge, to divide and to stigmatize”. It is a country more divided than ever before. Can the Prime Minister tell Canadians why he would politicize the pandemic, why he would try to stigmatize Canadians, and why he would do this to a country that was already suffering and deeply damaged by so many of his policies?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:


“Mr. Speaker, let us talk about last year's election. It was an opportunity for Canadians to weigh in on the path forward for our country, and on how to continue to fight this pandemic. What we saw, unfortunately, from the Conservative Party of Canada was a refusal to step up on vaccination and a refusal to follow science. As they were talking about how we get through this pandemic, they could not ensure that their own MPs got vaccinated. Canadians spoke loudly and clearly in the last election, and said that science and vaccination were the way through. They gave us in this House a mandate to move forward on that, and we did.


Opposition Leader Candice Bergen


Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is clearly trying to strategically and very selfishly divide and stigmatize Canadians. We live in a beautiful country, but our country is suffering. Our country is divided. Our country is tired, and Canadians need leadership. Again, I will ask the Prime Minister this. His senior Liberal MP said that there was a strategic decision made on that side to, and these are not my words, “stigmatize”, “divide” and “wedge”. This is what the Prime Minister did. Why?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


Mr. Speaker, while Canadians have made it through this pandemic, what this government has provided is responsible leadership that has put the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost. That is exactly what we did. That is exactly what we talked about in the last election campaign. That is exactly what we are going to continue to do in following the science. The member opposite talks about Canadians' suffering. Supply chains are disrupted and Canadians are in their homes worried of walking their streets because the Conservatives continue to support blockades that are hurting businesses across the country. Will the Conservative leader stand up and condemn those blockades?


To read the transcripts of this entire discussion that took place in the House of Commons, follow the link below.



Talk, talk, talk, and more talk. As the debates continue in the House of Commons and our elected officials make their political talking points, all of this noise and political confusion does NOT offer Canadians the real answers we deserve in order to 'trust the science”, nonetheless to follow it.


With both the Liberals and Conservatives stating contradictory positions regarding the science and the evidence, we need the expert voice of science to explain the actual science and the evidence to all Canadians.


We cannot achieve this through ministers without science degrees, political speeches, or scripted semantics.


We need expert opinions.  We need conclusive facts.  We need conclusive evidence.  We need science.


Who should Canadians believe, the expert scientists, or our elected officials seemingly relaying their words?


It seems as if both leaders have a different set of scientific facts and evidence that they are referring to?  Do each of them consult with different science advisors?  Please explain to us the science and the evidence so we may make a well informed decision regarding which science and evidence we should follow.


Is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau referring to a different science and evidence than the one referred to by

Opposition Leader Candice Bergen regarding Covid-19 mandates and restrictions, or vice versa?


Why are Canadians hearing two different stories?  One from the Prime Minister

and the other from the Opposition Leader, only to be told to “follow the science”?


Dr. Nemer, may you PLEASE explain to Canadians what science and evidence Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is accusing the Opposition Leader of not following, or vice versa? Canadians are very confused with all of these contradictory statements coming from our elected officials and we need expert, conclusive, scientific evidence.


Dr. Nemer, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we sincerely want to know what you have to say regarding the science behind Covid-19.  You are the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, but it strikes us as being very odd that

Canadians never hear any of your opinions or recommendations, while our elected officials

and public health authorities always invoke science in their decision making.


We believe that Canadians have the absolute right to know if "the science” to which our elected officials and public health authorities constantly refer to, truly matches the Chief Science Advisor of Canada's recommendations. Dr. Nemer, you certainly represent science for all Canadians, and we hold your scientific capabilities to the highest esteem as the most qualified official in our Government of Canada to properly address any scientific concerns.


Since we are on the subject of “trust the science”, and being told ad nauseam to “follow the science”, lest we forget the evidence.  At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we have been doing our own independent investigation regarding the science and the evidence behind Covid-19 vaccines and other Covid-19 related points.


Let us all “follow the science” together and see where it takes us.


What about these very recent and shocking scientific claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS. Is Dr. Malone “following the science” and the evidence behind Covid-19 vaccines, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, and the Omicron variant?  Below is an example of his recent claims:





Robert W Malone MD, MS.


Washington, DC, The Lincoln Memorial


Integrity. Dignity. Community


Three simple words that ring like bells


"These are my truths, and I believe that they are self-evident.

We should not have politicized the public health response to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19."


"Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled. They are not working, and they are not completely safe. Now we have Omicron. These vaccines were designed for the Original Wuhan strain, a different virus.


These vaccines do not prevent Omicron infection, viral replication, or spread to others. In our daily lives, with our friends, with our families, we all know that this is true.


These genetic vaccines are leaky, have poor durability, and even if every man, woman, and child in the United States were vaccinated, these products cannot achieve herd immunity and stop COVID. They are not completely safe, and the full nature of the risks remain unknown.


In contrast, the natural immunity which healthy immune systems develop after infection and recovery from COVID is long lasting, broad, and highly protective from disease and death caused by this virus. If there is risk, there must be choice.


This is the fundamental bedrock truth of modern bioethics.


All medical procedures, vaccines, and drugs have risks. All of us have the right to understand those risks, and to decide for ourselves whether we willingly accept those risks. To deny this is to deny human dignity.”


To read this entire speech, visit



Robert W Malone MD, MS, is a renowned scientist/physician.  According to what we have found on his website, he is "the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies."  It is also very evident that our ongoing investigation into “following the science" has brought us to Dr. Malone's recent scientific claims.  These claims are obviously shocking and in direct contradiction with the repeated claims of our elected officials and health authorities in Canada regarding "trusting the science" and "following the science" behind Covid-19 vaccines, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, and the Omicron variant, among other scientific points to consider.


In light of making our position abundantly clear, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are not scientists, doctors,  or healthcare professionals, nor do we claim to be.  For this reason, we can only share what we have seen, heard or read with respect to "trusting the science" and "following the science".  We have seen the video, heard and read these scientific claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS during his January 23, 2022 speech in Washington, DC.


We are not qualified in any way, shape or form to fact-check, promote, discount, criticize, comment, confirm or deny what Robert W Malone MD, MS stated on January 23, 2022 regarding science and evidence behind Covid-19, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, the Omicron variant, and science.


For this reason, we are truly hoping that the Chief Science Advisor of Canada will offer her expert advice to us?


Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, may you fact-check, confirm or deny these shocking claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS?  Please advise for the sake of transparency and “following the science”, and in order to ensure that all Canadians have the conclusive facts to confidently “trust the science” regarding Covid-19?



Dr. Nemer, If what Robert W Malone MD, MS is stating has been proven to be factual, scientifically conclusive, and in-line with the scientific evidence you possess regarding Covid-19 and the Omicron variant in Canada, does this mean that the current Covid-19 vaccines may not prevent Omicron infection, viral replication, or spread to others?  Do these scientific claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS, hold any scientific credibility in Canada? 


If YES, does this mean that all Covid-19 vaccine related restrictions and mandates in Canada may now be based on politics, and not the actual science and evidence at this phase of the Covid-19 pandemic?  If this is not the case, may you please explain?


Dr. Nemer, should the scientific claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS prove to be factual, scientifically conclusive, and in-line with the scientific evidence you possess regarding Covid-19 and the Omicron variant in Canada, does this mean that it may now be scientifically justified for the Government of Canada, as well as all provincial and territorial governments across Canada, to immediately  cease the recommendation of the current Covid-19 vaccine doses and booster doses?  Should they eliminate vaccine certificates/ passports, travel bans, mandates, etc, or eliminate all federal Covid-19 restrictions and mandates, without delay?  Is the science settled?


Dr. Nemer, should these recent and shocking scientific claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS regarding Covid-19 prove not to be factual, scientifically conclusive, and in-line with the scientific evidence you possess regarding Covid-19 vaccines and the Omicron variant in Canada, may you please show and explain to Canadians the scientific evidence you possess that would invalidate these shocking claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS?


How about the Physicians Declaration of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, dated

October 29, 2021?  This is also very shocking declaration regarding Covid-19.  According to this declaration,

it was signed by  17,000 + doctors and scientists globally, with supporting evidence.





































































































To view the Physicians Declaration in its entirety, including all signatories and supporting evidence:

For your convenience, we have published the full list of all supported evidence found in the Physicians Declaration at the end of this article.


To know more about Robert W Malone MS, MS:



"Following the science means following the facts. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are very interested in following the facts, the science and the conclusive evidence. For this reason. we sincerely want to know what scientifically conclusive and factual evidence justifies “trusting the science” and “following the science” to which our elected officials repeatedly refer to, but never show us?  Does the science and evidence in Canada confirm or deny the scientific claims made by Robert W Malone MD, MS, along with the scientific claims made by 17000+ other experts in the Physicians Declaration, with supporting evidence?


Dr. Mona Nemer, as the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, it should be within your mandate to show Canadians the conclusive evidence, and to respond to our legitimate concerns and questions regarding the science behind Covid-19 vaccines, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, the Omicron variant, including other Covid-19 related points.  In light of this, perhaps DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. may take this opportunity to extend an invitation to renowned scientist/physician, Robert R Malone MD, MS, to demonstrate and explain to Canadians the scientific evidence he possesses, including but not limited to, the Physicians Declaration? 


Rest assured that we will continue to seek all journalistic and legal remedies available to us in order to fully understand and expose this science that our elected officials and governments across Canada repeatedly refer to when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, and the Omicron variant, among other points.  It is also very clear that the science we are being told to blindly trust and follow in Canada, directly contradicts the recent and shocking statements made by world renowned scientist/physicist, Robert W Malone MD, MS, regarding Covid-19 vaccines, herd immunity, natural immunity, the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, and the Omicron variant, among other scientific points.


How are Canadians expected to “trust the science”, or to “follow the science”, if all we are hearing is politicians relaying what is seemingly political science and evidence to Canadians?  Furthermore, as Canadians try to make sense of all of this political and scientific confusion, the Chief Science Advisor of Canada is nowhere to be seen or heard to address our legitimate questions and concerns regarding the science and evidence behind Covid-19.


In due course, we will be publishing the science, the facts and the evidence that we have collected regarding the politics of Covid-19. This includes vaccine passports, masks, and other Covid-19 restrictions imposed on Canadians by our public health officials, elected officials, and governments across Canada.


Dr. Mona Nemer, it should come as no surprise that we are disappointed with the unfavorable response that we have received from your office with respect to our legitimate questions and concerns.  Nonetheless, we would like to take this moment to cordially and respectfully thank you and your team for the verbal response we have received on February 3, 2022, with all hopes that you may reconsider our public invitation, and in the name of Canadians "trusting the science” that we are being told to follow, without any conclusive evidence.


We would also like to take this moment to politely request that you please advise the public on your respective platform as to what science and evidence Canadians are to follow?


Please do so for all fellow Canadians. We need to put an end to all of this political confusion coming from both sides of the aisle on Parliament Hill, as well as many other provincial and municipal governments across Canada. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we seek clarity amid all of the confusion in separating the politics, the science, and the conclusive evidence relating to Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-19 restrictions, and many other Covid-19 related points.


Millions of Canadians sincerely want to know what science and evidence they should follow.

The time has come for our politicians and governments to step aside and to let the expert scientists weigh in.


Dr. Mona Nemer, this is certainly your moment to show Canadians the conclusive science and evidence. In the meantime, many Canadians are asking why they should follow the science which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Opposition Leader Candice Bergen, and governments across Canada, repeatedly tell us to trust,  without evidence?


Are Canadians expected to “trust the science” without asking any tough questions, or any form of real debate?

On February 14, 2022, Members of Parliament voted on this Conservative Party of Canada motion as follows:


"That, given that provinces are lifting COVID-19 restrictions and that Dr. Theresa Tam has said that all existing public health measures need to be "re-evaluated" so that we can "get back to some normalcy", the House call on

the government to table a plan for the lifting of all federal mandates and restrictions,

and to table that plan by February 28, 2022."



What were the FINAL results of this vote?
 NAYS:  185
 YEAS:  151
The motion is deFeated. 



To see the official information regarding this vote in the house of commons,
including who voted for or against this motion, click on the link below. 


As it stands, Canada is now in a indefinite state of Covid-19 restrictions and mandates at the federal level, regardless of the fact that Dr. Theresa Tam has stated that existing public health measures

need to be "re-evaluated" so that we can "get back to some normalcy".




Did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decide to "follow his own science", and not the scientific recommendations of Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer?  Has the Prime Minister even consulted with Dr. Mona Nemer, the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, or did he "trust his own science" in voting against this motion?


How about Jagmeet Singh, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada?  Why did he vote against this motion?

Where did Jagmeet Singh get his science advice and evidence from?  Did he ever consult with Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, or Dr Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada,

or is everyone simply playing politics and "following the leader", not the science?


On the same day, Justin Trudeau becomes the first Prime Minister in Canadian history to invoke the Emergencies Act.  Prime Minister Trudeau has taken historical, unprecedented action by invoking the Emergencies Act to deal with the trucker convoys and demonstrations that have been taking place in Ottawa, and at a few border crossings across Canada since late January 2022.  Meanwhile. the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ont, the Pacific Highway bridge in B.C, and the Coutts border in Alberta, have all been re-opened.  As of February 21, 2022, all demonstrations and vehicles have been cleared from the streets of downtown Ottawa.  Where is the emergency?


Many across the world have witnessed the heavy-handed policing tactics used on demonstrators in Ottawa. Our Government of Canada has also threatened to freeze and seize the bank accounts of demonstrators in Ottawa, including anyone who may have donated to trucker convoys, and more.  Is this massive government overreach and abuse of power?  Is this how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau deals with the "fringe minority" of demonstrators in Ottawa, or is our Government of Canada setting a very dangerous precedent in seemingly using the Emergencies Act to silence and intimidate what they now see as people with "unacceptable views"?  Who are these people deemed to hold unacceptable views?  Is this at the sole discretion of our Government of Canada, and narratives?


Maybe its science once again, or maybe its just another "follow the science" and "trust the science" scenario

that keeps politics and narratives going.  Once invoked, the Emergencies Act is valid for 30 days and

may be renewed every 30 days for as long as our Government of Canada deems necessary. 


On February 21, 2022, our Members of Parliament voted once again in the House of Commons.  This time it was on a new motion put forth by the Liberal Party of Canada which reads as follows:


"That, pursuant to section 58 of the Emergencies Act, this House confirm

the declaration of a public order emergency proclaimed on February 14, 2022."


YeaS: 185
NayS: 151



The motion is accepted and the Emergencies Act is confirmed.  This vote now forces all Canadians into a indefinite state of emergency, coupled with an indefinite state of federal Covid-19 mandates and restrictions. In both instances, the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) voted in favour of keeping the federal Covid-19 restrictions and mandates in place, and keeping Canada in a perpetual state of emergency. The Conservative Party of Canada and the Bloc Québécois voted in favour of ending federal Covid-19 mandates and restrictions, and ending the state of emergency.  Click here to see which MPs voted for or against this motion. 


February 23, 2022: Following major backlash and massive pressure being put on our Government of Canada to remove this extreme measure, effective February 23, 2022, the Emergencies Act has been revoked. Within the following 60 days, a parliamentary committee will be reviewing how the Emergencies act was implemented.

Was invoking the emergencies act an act of government overreach and abuse of power?


ONE THING IS CERTAIN, Canadians need science, we need facts, we need evidence,
Canadians DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED ANY MORE pirouette politics.









gallery/chief science advisors summary mandate

To view our open reply to this letter we received, scroll down to our January 17, 2022 article, titled:

"Open Letter of Reply to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada."

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International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists


gallery/chief science advisors summary mandate


17,000 + doctors and scientists globally, WITH supporting evidence.


"trust the science"




"follow the science" (?)









Without Prejudice











Since our last and very revealing update on February 25, 2022 regarding
the science surrounding Covid-19, many things have changed across Canada.


From the lifting of vaccine passports across all of the provinces, to the recent and very reluctant lifting of federal Covid-19 travel mandates, Canadians are now entering a new phase towards what many are anticipating to be a return back to "normal".


What "normal" exactly represents in 2022 is anyone's guess, especially when the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Health Minister of Canada, has hinted on how our Government of Canada is now working on changing the definition of “fully vaccinated” with the wording “up-to-date”, without mentioning any specific number of Covid-19 vaccine doses.


How interesting semantics can be. With all of this wishful thinking in the air, we are sincerely hoping that this “new normal” will mark the end of all the manufactured vilification, segregation, discrimination and hate that we have witnessed.  It should come as no surprise that millions of unvaccinated Canadians have fallen victim to what DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. has coined as "Unvaxxedophobia".



We would like to take this moment to cordially thank all of our readers and followers from Canada and abroad, who have taken the time to consider the pertinent information we have provided to the public with regards to
our ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedophobia in Canada.
We certainly see all of our readers and followers,


from Canada, to USA, the European Union, Asia, Africa, and beyond. 


We are very humbled and extremely grateful to know that our
relentless and persistent work has reached a wide array
of readers and followers from across the globe.
Thank you for your consideration and please
keep posted regularly to our website for more.




Some people have been asking us why have there been no updates on our website since February 25, 2022? The answer to that question is simple:  At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. we have been working tirelessly on our exclusive and ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedophobia. This is including, but not limited to, investigating and pursuing credible and challenging leads as well as other sources regarding the origins of Covid-19, the Covid-19 vaccines, the science surrounding Covid-19 and its variants, etc.  Who may have profited from this ongoing pandemic (whether it being corporations, pharmaceutical, entities, governments. political figures, etc) and so much more?


At this point in our ongoing investigation, we reasonably and responsibly cannot publish or discuss anything further regarding these details. We sincerely hope that the public understands how our very challenging and important work regarding Unvaxxedophobia still continues in a more investigative phase, and will proceed as such for the time being, in this case.  We thank you in advance for your support and understanding.


Rest assured that the time may quickly come for DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. to reasonably and responsibly break our silence and show the world the full extent of what we have uncovered in our ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedphobia. Many may be shocked and surprised at what we publish in our next update.  It always happens that way. It's just a matter of time and factors.


No one can deny that during this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Unvaxxedophobia has been the main cause of too many Canadians turning on family members, friends, colleagues, etc, simply DUE TO them being unvaccinated against Covid-19.


We all witnessed certain elected officials and mainstream media figures publicly encourage and enable such vile hate towards unvaccinated Canadians, even Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada himself, was on live television during the last Federal Election calling out unvaccinated people as “extremists, misogynists, and racists”, including other instances and words.


Very unfortunately and shamefully, in this case, “follow the leader” prevailed
and many Canadians listened to what Canada's leader had to say
about unvaccinated Canadians.


In our January 17, 2022 update, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. publicly invited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to our platform in order for him to explain his side of the story in detail regarding his behavior towards unvaccinated Canadians. Unfortunately, we have never received a reply from Prime Minister Trudeau. We still sincerely and respectfully look forward to a reply from you, Prime Minister Trudeau.


In the meantime, one must truly ask, who funded and profited from all of this Unvaxxedophobia madness? At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we certainly did not. Did all of this Unvaxxedophobia madness happen by accident, or is there more than meets the eye, so much that the select few that may know, would never dare to repeat it, or would they?  More to follow on that one.


How did we get to this hateful point in Canada, and what is the ultimate agenda of treating unvaccinated Canadians like the Covid-19 virus itself, to be feared, shunned, and hated? Is this all just an elaborate plan to sow division within our society with a much more sinister design at play?


So much for the supposed “tolerant” and “inclusive” Canada that we always claim to be. Many people who indulge in Unvaxxedophobia are hanging their heads in shame today, just like the person who had way too much to drink the night before and wakes up with a major hangover wishing they had a big eraser. We get it, the tides have certainly turned in the past few months, and bullying the unvaccinated is no longer the popular and “politically correct” thing to do, as it was for way too long.


Not too long ago, all we heard were crickets, bull frogs in the distance and deafening silence coming from mainstream media, Parliament Hill, and governments across
our nation when it came to the equal rights and freedoms of all Canadians,
regardless of their Covid-19 vaccination status.


We are now very relieved to see that the Official Opposition has since decided to actively pursue the newly formed Liberal-NDP Coalition, all the while seemingly holding the Liberal-NDP Coalition Government to account and accusing them of using “unscientific” mandates and divisive politics to vindicate and punish millions of unvaccinated Canadians simply for making a medical choice to not get vaccinated against Covid-19.


Will the Official Opposition finish what they have now started on Parliament Hill, or is it all smoke and mirrors?  Will we see another major outbreak of Unvaxxedophobia across Canada once again, like we all witnessed throughout 2021 and well into this year?


How about the legal issues surrounding hate crimes in Canada and how they may apply in the case of targeting the unvaccinated against Covid-19 in Canada?  Is the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, truly protecting the equal rights and freedoms of all Canadians, regardless of their Covid-19 vaccination status?  Please refer to the letter we received from Minister Lametti, dated December 20, 2021.  Has anything changed since December 20, 2021?


With the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions across Canada, will the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, now take the initiative to strongly consider declaring the hateful act of “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” to be an official hate crime in Canada, all the while recognizing 'the unvaccinated” as an identifiable group in Canadian law?


What has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or anyone else in his administration
done to stop all of this hate towards the unvaccinated? 


Has our Prime Minister ever publicly condemned this widespread and baseless hate towards the unvaccinated, or has he actually enabled and encouraged it through his sometimes questionable behavior and a series of comments and actions he initiated that specifically, unfairly and negatively targeted millions of unvaccinated Canadians during this pandemic?


Did Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, answer our very important questions which we posted in our last update regarding “ trusting the science” and “following the science” in which our elected officials repeatedly refer to science when justifying Covid-19 restrictions and mandates, only to never show and/or cite any scientific evidence?


Unfortunately, we have still yet to receive any reply from Dr. Nemer with respect to our legitimate questions and concerns outlined in our February 25, 2022 update.  We will publish Dr. Nemer's reply if, and when we receive it.


“Trust the Science” and “Follow the Science”(?), or is it all just political science
with a twist of pirouette politics that got our elected officials
and governments through all of this for so long?


As our elected officials on Parliament Hill and across Canada prepare for long summer vacations, garden parties on Parliament Hill, and many more festivities, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, is pleased to announce that since May 16, 2022, we have resumed full operations on


We are very anxious to show the world what we will propose to our government regarding all our taxpayer dollars being used to fund politics, as such.  At DEFUNDPOLITICS.CA, we have a plan.


It is time for Canadians to take back our hard-earned taxpayer dollars and hold our elected officials accountable for how they spend our money, especially with all we have endured and witnessed from our elected officials and governments across Canada throughout this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.


Lest we forget the millions of Canadians that have suffered and continue to suffer so much loss throughout this Covid-19 pandemic.  These same Canadians cannot even afford to put gas in their cars to get to work, nonetheless pay for the skyrocketing prices of groceries, essential goods, and too much more.


With all due respect and to add insult to injury, Canadians are witnessing our elected officials, such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, Interim Conservative Party of Canada Leader Candice Bergen, including, but not limited to many other Members of Parliament preaching on social media and across the airwaves about how hard and tirelessly they are fighting for all Canadians, which certainly sounds great.


There is a catch, they do so while enjoying the many “perks” an elected official receives, all from lavish and taxpayer funded offices in Ottawa, and a very generous salary raise that they got last April. Don't forget those political donations that they, along with their respective political parties, all ask Canadians for, just like your local churches and not for profit organizations do to fund their missions, and to help the less fortunate.


The tragedy in all of this is how our taxpayer dollars are being used during these pandemic times. Donate to politicians so they can fight for you, regardless of whether they have a generous taxpayer funded salary, and more? Do you see how the optics do not match here?


Perhaps there is way too much taxpayer and donated money flowing
into politics which may be much better utilized elsewhere in society?


How about the recent reports of our elected officials and government officials spending taxpayer dollars to fund lavish VIP events for themselves and their friends, even on private jets.  This must and will change.  Does anyone remember our Montreal 375th Anniversary VIP list case that has been ongoing since 2017 and reviewed by the Quebec Access to Information Commission in December 2021?  How about those VIP lists for that famous May 17, 2017, VIP event in Montreal, Quebec?


Across the land, throughout the vast seas and soaring within clear blue skies, our elected officials and governments across Canada are aiming high, always with our taxpayer dollars by their side. From Champagne nights to expensive dinners, fake smiles and victors. How about private jets, festivities, city halls, and more? Make no mistake, they want it all.


For more information regarding our “defund politics” initiative across Canada, we invite you to follow our website at  Keep posted for regular updates throughout Summer 2022 and beyond. You certainly do not want to miss it.


Phase 3 of our ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedophobia will cover political accountability and legal reparations at every level.  Contrary to what many elected officials, governments, and media want you to believe in Canada, we must never turn the page or forget what happened to the millions of unvaccinated Canadians throughout this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we will never forget.


Our next update will officially usher in phase 3 and demonstrate to everyone across Canada and the world, exactly that. We shall proceed without prejudice and in a very professional, lawful, respectful and peaceful way, as we always do at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC.


Are we, the citizens of Canada, now ready for an official, public inquiry with respect to the conduct and response of our elected officials, governments, media, pharmaceutical companies, financial institutions, researchers, scientists, including many other players throughout this Covid-19 pandemic?


Keep posted as dawn will soon turn to light. Canadians deserve to know what our elected officials, our governments and select special interests from all corners of our planet may have done at the taxpayers expense, with supporting evidence to back any and/or all claims that may be made public.




At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we would like take this moment
to cordially declare this day, June 21, 2022, to be the first
unofficial and annual “Unvaxxedophobia Awareness Day”.
We do so in the name of shedding light on the relentless hate, discrimination and bullying that millions of unvaccinated Canadians endure at the hands of blatant irresponsibility stemming from the highest levels of our government, too many
baseless claims, unscientific manufactured narratives, and so much more.
Will our Government of Canada follow suit and declare June 21, 2023
the first official and annual “Unvaxxedophobia Awareness Day” in Canada?


we are very confident that we will completely eradicate this hateful
and discriminatory act of “any and/or all targeting of anyone
due to their vaccination status” once and for all in Canada.
The first step in stopping this madness is by removing all
of our taxpayer dollars from the equation.
The answer to this dilemma may be easier
than many have ever anticipated.


Expect it!








Joseph Pugliese


An irrational fear, disdain, hate, prejudice, discrimination,
and/or hostility towards anyone that is unvaccinated (unvaxxed).


Global Covid Summit


Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity


A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end

the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.



MAY 11, 2022


"17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.


We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.


This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.


The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections. Our patients are also blocked from obtaining the information necessary to understand risks and benefits of vaccines, and their alternatives, due to widespread censorship and propaganda spread by governments, public health officials and media. Patients continue to be subjected to forced lock-downs which harm their health, careers and children’s education, and damage social and family bonds critical to civil society. This is not a coincidence. In the book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, leadership of this alliance has clearly stated their intention is to leverage COVID-19 as an “opportunity” to reset our entire global society, culture, political structures, and economy."  To view this declaration in it's entirety, click here.



Click here to follow the latest scientific news and developments at the Global Covid Summit regarding Covid-19, vaccines, and so much more.

The Medical Crisis Declaration


"The physicians and scientists from all around the world, have come together to declare an international medical crisis due to the numerous adverse events and deaths related to the rollout of the experimental products known as “COVID-19 vaccines”.


Katarina Lindley, D.O. FACOFP


Sep 11, 2022


The physicians and scientists from all around the world, have come together to declare an international medical crisis due to the numerous adverse events and deaths related to the rollout of the experimental products known as “COVID-19 vaccines”. We are witnessing an excess in mortality in many countries all around the world where these "vaccines" have been rolled out without any significant investigations in why this has been occurring. 

The incidence of SADS of "sudden adult death syndrome" in previously healthy young people is very high and we are seeing an unprecedented number of athletes having these types of episodes while playing on the field. There is also a  high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths, all of which need to be investigated.


The pharmacovigilance data from Vaers in USA, Yellow Card in UK, Eudravigilance in EU, Australian Adverse Event Monitoring System, VigiAccess by WHO, all show an alarming number of adverse events and deaths. To date more than 11 million adverse events and 70 thousand deaths have occurred. We find ourselves in unprecedented times and we need to act together in asking the regulatory agencies from all around the world to reassess and stop this "vaccine rollout. Please visit and sign the declaration along with all of us."


Without Prejudice





As we commence this very challenging phase 3 of our ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedophobia, it comes with the utmost importance for us to state that drastic changes are now taking place within the political landscape of our House of Commons in Ottawa, our Government of Canada, and across our beautiful Nation. Ironically, this all comes at the exact same time as we are applying significant emphasis on political accountability within the ranks of our Government of Canada and our elected Members of Parliament, for starters.


On September 10, 2022, The Honourable Pierre Poilievre, Member of Parliament for Carleton, was officially elected as Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Leader of the Official Opposition. He is passionately and publicly vowing to officially hold the Liberal-NDP Coalition Government to account. Many Canadians are taking notice of his confidence in motion, and they are certainly talking.


From your local coffee shops, to all media platforms, and beyond, “Pierre” is the “talk of the town”.


This news has also drastically changed the course of our ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedophobia. At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we now hear the Official Opposition of Canada loud and clear, and more than ever before. With all of this newfound energy in the air, we are very confident that an official public inquiry regarding the entire Covid-19 response of our elected officials and governments across Canada, may come to fruition sooner than we all anticipated.


With this said, we respectfully challenge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre, and all 338 elected Members of Parliament, to introduce, vote on, and to unanimously agree on, formulating an official public inquiry tasked with reviewing the entire Covid-19 response from our Government of Canada.


Without prejudice or any form of interference or censorship.


On a transparent and public level, and by no later than December 21, 2022, at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we are essentially challenging all 338 elected Members of our Parliament of Canada to exit the parliamentary privilege zone and to vote on formulating an official public inquiry. This inquiry should serve to thoroughly investigate the conduct of all our Members of Parliament throughout this Covid-19 pandemic, including, any and/or all other players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic. A public inquiry as such should also serve to thoroughly investigate the conduct of all departments within our Government of Canada during this Covid-19 pandemic, all the while making history in Canada, and so much more.


We are well aware that there are multiple levels to a complex and challenging public inquiry. For this reason, we prefer to begin at the highest level, our Government of Canada, and to progressively descend to the other levels of government, media, and special interests in due course. We are equally aware that public inquiries as such will take reasonable time to formulate and execute in the utmost expeditious manner.


We equally wish to take this moment to respectfully request that, by no later than December 21, 2022, The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, coupled with the Honourable Rob Moore, Shadow Cabinet Minister For Justice and Attorney General, unite and initiate all necessary actions in formulating a separate and official public inquiry regarding the legal aspects surrounding the response from our Government of Canada during this Covid-19 pandemic.


This should include, but not be limited to, holding accountable any and/or all employees and departments within our Government of Canada, public servants, our elected officials within the House of Commons, etc, for any and/or all questionable comments, actions and/or behavior towards millions of unvaccinated Canadians throughout this Covid-19 pandemic, among other legal considerations and actions. Lest we forget any and/or all other players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.


An inquiry as such should also address whether “any and/or all targeting of anyone due to their vaccination status” should be considered a hate crime in Canada under Section 319.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada, among other legal considerations.


We are confident in the legal expertise of Minister Lametti and Shadow Minister Moore in formulating an official public inquiry that would effectively cover all legal aspects of the Covid 19 response in Canada.


As a professional courtesy and goodwill towards all Canadians, may you strongly consider including a comprehensive legal guide depicting any and/or all legal remedies and resources available to Canadians seeking legal reparations with respect to any and/or all Covid-19 restrictions, etc, imposed on them by our Government of Canada? Perhaps you may even invite Canadians, which whom have fallen victim to 'Unvaxxedophobia”, to share their stories with you on a public forum, and in the very near future?


Furthermore, and by no later than December 21, 2022, we respectfully call upon: Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, including all science and heath authorities at Health Canada and our Government of Canada, to unite and initiate all necessary actions in formulating a separate and official public inquiry with regards to the scientific facts and evidence surrounding experimental Covid-19 vaccines.


An inquiry as such should include, but not be limited to, the medical and scientific response of Health Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and all health and science authorities in Canada who have served Canadians throughout this Covid-19 pandemic.


This public inquiry should equally address any and/or all deaths and injuries due to the experimental Covid-19 vaccines in Canada, the official origin of Covid-19, the use of Covid-19 vaccine passports and/or certificates, the scientific facts regarding the efficacy of experimental Covid-19 vaccines, face masks, the efficacy of any and/or all PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), the pharmaceutical companies, special interests, including, but not limited to any and/or all other medical, financial and scientific considerations. Lest we forget any and/or all other players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.


“Trust the Science” and “Follow the Science” means providing Canadians with the uncensored and transparent science from all sides of the spectrum, which
may not have been the case in Canada throughout this Covid-19 pandemic .


It is also clear as day that over 17,000 doctors and scientists from The Global Covid Summit have repeatedly sounded the alarm since 2021 over major health risks, deaths, and injuries associated with the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, and so much more.


Has anyone from Health Canada, The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, or anyone within our Government of Canada, ever spoken and/or engaged with anyone from The Global Covid Summit? Has anyone addressed all of their shocking scientific claims surrounding experimental Covid-19 vaccines, and so much more?


Perhaps any potential public inquiry should include doctors and scientists from respected organizations such as The Global Covid Summit, which whom may equally offer expert scientific knowledge and evidence to all Canadians regarding Covid-19.


We are ready to speak and/or engage with any and/or all political parties,
elected officials, governments, etc, that have a plan and are truly committed
to standing up for the equal protections, rights, and freedoms of all Canadians.


DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. has been petitioning our Government of Canada since September 2021 with respect to Unvaxxedophobia and Covid-19.  We will now focus our attention on the Official Opposition of Canada, with all hopes that they may deliver where the Liberal-NDP Coalition consistently fails to deliver in any meaningful way.


Seeing to it that the Official Opposition of Canada has elected a new leader in September 2022 and is now fully engaged in showing Canadians that they are fighting for all Canadians, we will be concentrating our efforts

on ensuring that the Official Opposition of Canada truly stands with all Canadians, regardless of

their Covid-19 vaccination status, as they claim, among other considerations.


Canadians have suffered through this debilitating Covid-19 pandemic with a great deal of hardship and uncertainty, coupled with endless mixed messaging from our federal, provincial, and municipal governments across Canada, respectively.


In our next update, we will be 'following the money” and discussing the potential for an official public inquiry into the complete financial response from our Government of Canada, the Bank of Canada, and many other players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic. How is our hard-earned Canadian taxpayer money being spent?  Who profited, and is profiting, from this pandemic and so much more?

The time for political narratives and “follow the science” scripts has long passed.
The time for political accountability and legal remedies is now.







Joseph Pugliese











Without Prejudice
BILL C-293








“Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure for me to rise in the House this evening. This is an important topic, and I appreciate that the member for Beaches—East York has brought this legislation forward and prompted the discussion that we are having here today. I can certainly understand that after the past two years of COVID, there are those who feel we need to get something like this done immediately. Nobody wants COVID or something worse to hit Canadians. Our first priority as parliamentarians is the safety and security of our citizens. We have to take the time to properly reflect on and examine what we have just gone through to have a meaningful conversation about how to respond to a future pandemic.


The bill's proposal that the Minister of Health and other government ministers be the ones to put together or even make up the advisory committee to review their own response to the coronavirus is, frankly, quite ridiculous. That is like having the fox guard the hen house, because they all have a very vested interest in the outcome. Canadians will never get the answers they deserve if the ministers who perpetuated or promoted many of the failures, abuses and violations of charter rights that we have seen over the past two years are the same ones tasked with reviewing their own government's response.


Let us face it: Transparency, accountability and, frankly, honesty are hardly synonymous with the government. We have seen first-hand much of the misinformation propagated by these ministers. That is why I propose, before embarking on some of the elements contained in Bill C-293, that we need a full non-partisan national inquiry into how governments at all levels have handled the response to COVID-19, because as I reflect on the past two years, there are too many questions. These are questions that have never been answered by government, and in many cases, no one in government or the media has even had the courage to publicly ask them.


Herein we have the first major issue in the government's handling of COVID. It is the “my way or the highway, we know best and do not dare ask questions about what we are doing” approach that the governments across this country have taken. We kept hearing “follow the science” and “we are following the science”. It is the political science, yes, but the last time I checked, a big part of doing real science involved asking questions, analyzing data and doing so with rigorous skepticism. We make an observation, we research the topic, we form a hypothesis, we test the experiments, we analyze the data and we report the conclusions as objectively as we can based solely on the empirical data. That is the scientific method.


In the case of COVID, the government never really got beyond forming a hypothesis. The Liberals based their response on the assumptions that they and many in the medical field made in the early days of COVID, which led to selective and often misleading data being collected and used to back up those assumptions.


The media also failed in their objectivity to ask questions, choosing instead to parrot government talking points as truth, sowing fear and division as they quietly pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars in government subsidies. They refused to allow different points of view. They did not ask the tough questions, and they silenced or mocked anyone who did.


Canadians should not need to fear repercussions in their workplaces, their communities, their professional associations, online or by the media. However, that is what happened. Anyone who questioned anything related to the government's handling of COVID, at any level of government, got smeared, bullied and cancelled. In a free and democratic society, that should be deeply concerning to all of us. Governments made huge demands of Canadians, and it is incumbent on governments at all levels to provide empirical data to back up their actions. We owe that to Canadians.


I sat down the other night as I prepared to deliver this speech today and started to write down some of those nagging questions. They are questions that we cannot trust the government to ask because it has sought so diligently for two years to cover up the answers from Canadians for its own political purposes. I am going to take the remaining time here to ask some of those questions.


For a start, why did the government make the decision in 2019 to shut down our pandemic early warning system? We had SARS and H1N1, and we knew the potential of a Canadian epidemic. Who chose to shut it down? Who in the government was responsible for leaving Canadians defenceless?


Why was there so much conflicting information provided by government and public health officials? There were days when the WHO said one thing, Dr. Tam said another and, in my province of Manitoba, Dr. Roussin said something completely different, and all on the same issue.


This bred confusion, fear and mistrust. I think this is the type of issue the legislation, at least in part, may be trying to address, but again, we cannot address these issues until we know first-hand what took place and who was responsible, and we cannot trust the government to provide us with those answers.


We learned that the Public Health Agency of Canada, the same department responsible for the government's COVID response, allowed our national microbiology lab in Winnipeg, one of our nation's foremost secure facilities, to be infiltrated by Chinese spies with direct links to both the Wuhan lab and the bioweapons program of the People's Liberation Army. Why?


The government sued Parliament to cover it up. It refused to come clean. Then it turned around and made a deal with China to be the sole manufacturer of Canada's vaccine supply. The deal ultimately fell through, but there are a lot of questions here that require answers. Why does the government refuse to release procurement details, such as the price per dose, when other governments have been transparent?


There are still legitimate questions related to vaccine safety and efficacy. Why did the government agree to hide the safety data on Pfizer for 75 years? There are 51,714 Canadians who have suffered vaccine injuries to date as a result of their COVID shots, with 10,501 serious reactions, including 874 anaphylactic reactions, 1,342 cases of myocarditis, 140 thrombosis cases and 382 reports with an outcome of death following vaccination. Where does that information come from? It is from the government's own website. Anyone can look it up. There are also many reports of doctors refusing to even file a VAERS report, which is a vaccine adverse event reaction report.


How many of those individuals have been compensated by the government's vaccine injury program to date? It is eight. Why is the media quiet about those things? Why is it that the Prime Minister was more interested in his political fortunes than in public health?


We saw this in the Prime Minister's decision to call an unnecessary election last fall. We have seen this in his unacceptable rhetoric demonizing those who chose not be vaccinated and in his heavy-handed approach to dealing with vaccine mandate protests. One minute our truckers are essential workers and heroes who kept our country going, and the next they are villains so awful that the Emergencies Act was invoked to deal with them. The inquiry, and ultimately history, will show what an unjustified and politically motivated response that was.


There are also serious questions related to government spending. The Liberal government spent unprecedented amounts, hundreds of billions of dollars, to fight COVID, but its own Parliamentary Budget Officer shows that at least 40% of that money, or $205 billion, never went to fighting COVID. Where did it go? We know that tens of millions of dollars have found their way into the pockets of Liberal cronies, as the government paid exponentially more for ventilators and other medical equipment that was never used and now sits collecting dust in warehouses.


Who got rich while Canadians suffered? Why did the government refuse to put any safeguards in place for CERB, resulting in three million people, including criminals in jail, receiving the CERB benefit? Why did the government send federal public servants home at a time when five million Canadians had lost their jobs and were forced into government programs and unable to access services? Why are they still at home?


My office has stayed open every day over the past two years to help Canadians. We did it safely and we had no issues with COVID. There is no reason that other government officials and agencies could not have done likewise. Canadians are paying their salaries, and public servants need to get back to the office and back to work full time for Canadians.


We could keep going on here all evening. We could talk about divisive and unscientific mandates. We could talk about the disastrous ArriveCAN app. We could talk about how the government's actions destroyed border communities and separated loved ones. We could talk about how Canadians were assaulted in quarantine hotels. We could talk about the provinces and their responses, and the draconian measures that in my view did far more long-term harm than good. The questions go on and on. Canadians deserve answers.


Over the past two years, governments have made big demands of Canadians. Canadians stepped up again and again, only to have their hopes dashed by government failures and broken promises as the goalposts were moved over and over again. Canadians deserve empirical justification for mandates. History will show that mandates were based on politics, not public health.


After two years of sickness, restrictions, divisions and fear, governments at all levels need to be held accountable for their actions. Bill C-293 is insufficient because the government, and any government, cannot and should not be trusted to investigate itself.”




At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we would like to take this moment to cordially thank MP Ted Falk for his remarkable courage and wisdom.  We certainly look forward to the follow-up of this speech with sheer optimism.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we must admit that MP Falk's speech echoes many of our points outlined in our October 6, 2022 article, including our other articles.  This speech has also brought Canadians much hope that the rapidly growing public plea for an official public inquiry into our government's response to the Covid-19 pandemic at all levels, has finally reached Parliament Hill.  In our October 6, 2022 article, we outlined a series of requests regarding various public inquiries into our government's response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and so much more.




Has the time finally come for political accountability in CANADA?




People are talking, and we, coupled with countless other Canadians, are now very relieved to see that our voices demanding real answers and public inquiries, are finally being heard on Parliament Hill.  We are also very pleased that the Public Order Emergency Commission has also recently come to an end. This Commission was set up in response to the invocation of the Emergencies Act during the Freedom Convoy protests (February 14-23, 2022).


Canadians are now awaiting the final ruling from Justice Paul Rouleau. What remedies will be taken, if any, regarding the historical invocation of the Emergencies Act back in February 2022?  The Commission now has until February 20, 2023 to render a final decision and report regarding the invocation of the Emergencies Act.




To know more about the Public Order Emergency Commission,

please visit:




In light of this news, we are certainly very motivated to see that the wheels of political accountability are now in motion on Parliament Hill, and beyond. As the hours pass, one thing is certain, inevitability will supersede, and political accountability will become mainstream material for the world to witness.


Newly elected Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith, has also introduced the ALBERTA SOVEREIGNTY WITHIN A UNITED CANADA ACT to further protect the rights and freedoms of everyone in the province of Alberta.




Click here to read the Alberta Sovereignty WITHIN A UNITED CANADA Act.




In late November 2022, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. received a written letter from our Canada Revenue Agency.  In that letter, our Canada Revenue Agency demanded information and documentation relating to our 2021 tax return.  We have promptly satisfied that letter and we are now awaiting a response, if any.


What we find remarkably convenient about that letter from our Canada Revenue Agency is the timing.  We reached out to our accountant in order to ascertain as to whether any errors may have possibly occurred with our 2021 tax return. Thankfully and predictably, our accountant has informed us that our 2021 tax returns were properly completed and submitted on time to our Canada Revenue Agency and Revenue Quebec.  Oddly, we have not heard anything from Revenue Quebec regarding our 2021 return, nor have we received any letters from them demanding information or documents. 




 What is our Canada Revenue Agency looking for at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC?




A letter as such, received in times as such, may appear as if our Government of Canada may be cleverly attempting to stall or silence DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC.  That letter may also appear as a clever attempt to censor or put a wedge in our charter protected rights, namely freedom of speech and of the press.  How about our very valid, legitimate and revealing requests and information which we have, and will continue to publish on our websites? 


Unless proven otherwise, we are not accusing anyone of anything, but many may agree that upon reading the contents of our websites, which we know our Canada Revenue Agency and our Government of Canada reads, the optics of a letter from our Canada Revenue Agency is definitely not in favor of our Government of Canada, in this case.  Will Joseph Pugliese be the next one to receive a letter from our Canada Revenue Agency?  Time will tell.




AT DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, The world may soon see movies manifest into endless volumes.




Consequently, we are closely monitoring this situation with our Canada Revenue Agency and our Government of Canada in full anticipation of their next move, if any.  We will act and report accordingly.  In the meantime, our very important work at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. continues and remains undeterred.  Our best work is still to come.


Noise will never serve to silence, cease, nor hinder our very important and ongoing investigative journalistic work into: Unvaxxedophobia; the many possible failures, abuses and violations of charter rights relating to the Covid-19 response in Canada; the Covid-19 response from our federal government; our Justice Canada; our Canada Revenue Agency; our Bank of Canada; the many players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic; the true origins of Covid-19; vaccine passports and/or certificate; the factual science and evidence behind Covid-19; all deaths and injuries relating to the experimental Covid-19 vaccines in Canada; our elected officials VIP lists; les deux dossiers; our ongoing work at, and much more that has yet to be publicly announced.


Time is always a factor and we are mindful that there are many challenges still ahead of us.  With all that has been said and done, including the extreme importance of our ongoing work at DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we take the utmost pride in announcing that our web hosting platform and our domain name, are currently renewed and scheduled to remain online and uninterrupted until October 2031 at the very earliest. We remain over committed to our ongoing work, and we look forward to many more years still to follow.



We certainly welcome the future with sincere optimism and unwavering resolve.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we, the citizens, possess a remarkably powerful

voice and resolve, and we, the citizens, are positively here to stay!


The media is a very powerful tool, indeed.


Use it wisely.




We certainly admit that our very challenging and ongoing investigation into Unvaxxedophobia has brought unforeseen delays in our work relating to It is no secret that very serious discussions with regards to a national inquiry into government's handling of COVID-19 are now finally taking place on Parliament Hill.  Consequently, we can now confidently put more of our time and efforts into 


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we positively intend on doing so. There is simply too much money being wasted in politics.  Canadians need to put that money back in our pockets.  It's time to make it happen.


Keep posted to for a very exclusive announcement to be published by no later than December 31, 2022. Keep in mind that 2023, and well beyond, will be filled with taxpayer dollars finding their way back into Canadian taxpayers pockets. Expect to see our exclusive plan very shortly.



The time for political accountability is finally upon us. We ask all Canadians to stand in solidarity.


At DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC, we certainly have the receipts, and we always deliver the MERCHANDISE.


We would like to take this moment to wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday season.











Joseph Pugliese

























Without Prejudice








In our October 6, 2022 update titled: “Unvaxxedophobia, Phase 3, Political Accountability and Legal Remedies, Volume 1, Political Accountability”, we stated the following:


In our next update, we will be 'following the money” and discussing the potential for an official public inquiry into the complete financial response from our Government of Canada, the Bank of Canada, and many other players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic. How is our hard-earned Canadian taxpayer money being spent? Who profited, and is profiting, from this pandemic and so much more?”


Following our October 6 update, DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC. received a written letter from our Canada Revenue Agency.  So, you may be asking yourself, what did they state or demand in that letter?


Could that letter mean that our Government of Canada may now have decided to fully initiate an official public inquiry into the complete response from our Canada Revenue Agency, our Bank of Canada, all of our 338 Members of Parliament, our federal government as a whole, and many other players and stakeholders with regards to the Covid-19 response?


Could that letter mean that our Canada Revenue Agency may now actively be targeting our financial records, all just a few weeks following our public plea for an official public inquiry into our federal government's financial response during this Covid-19 pandemic?  What an epic movie that would be!


For starters, we are pleased to announce that we have officially replied to that letter for which we await a response, if any. Consequently, this potentially ground breaking journalistic investigation may enter into the next phases. We are over-prepared and we will immediately report on any and/or all updates accordingly.


Do you still want to know why our Canada Revenue Agency wrote to DEMOCRATIQUE.CA INC?


In our next update, we will reveal all of the details of that letter (and other details) for the entire world to see. In the meantime, keep posted for the uncensored truth which mainstream media, our elected officials and our governments will never dare utter, nonetheless publish.


To the many which whom have repeatedly asked us for movies, we cordially say:


Prepare for volumes. Our next update is where darkness meets illumination,

but only masterpieces remain in checkmate. 








Joseph Pugliese

